Wednesday, December 7, 2011

More Snow, Alexandre's Mom Shares St. Nicholas' Generosity; Pop Science

Saint Nicholas Celebration on December 6th 

 Alexandre's Mom shared a charming story entitled The Fiercest Little Animal in the Forest.  It told of   a grouchy little woodland creature (similar to a weasel) that  was pressed into service for a special job of delivering treats to the neighboring town.   This animal traveled inside of a man's coat pocket and gave small gifts such as fruits, treats, and gold coins to those in need.   Later the critter, after agreeing to treat the other animals kindly, became the man's constant companion on future deliveries.  

Alexandre's Mom also explained that there was once a boy named Nicholas who was  from a very wealthy family.   His mother discovered, however,  that he would give his own
 very expensive toys and gifts away to children in need.  This gift of giving extended into his adulthood.  He was later referred to as St. Nicholas and exemplifies what it means to be generous! 
She also explained that the treat bags were left in our classroom during recess from (my guess) someone very generous!


 Alex's Mom took a little snooze in our reading pool then transitioned right into French class.  Madame had also invited her to share some stories in French and we were privileged that those stories were "hand" written and illustrated by Alexandre's Grandmother.  We laughed at the antics of Alexandre's Mom, siblings, cousins, and other relatives (the subjects of all her stories).   There was even a tale about an encounter with, who else, St. Nicholas! 

Science Tuesday's with Dr. George-"Air Poppers"

1 comment:

  1. I love the pic of the little one at the end of the slide face down! Wish I had that much fun at work. :)
