Flutter Bye-Bye Butterflies!

Benjamin's Mom and our Before & Aftercare Worker Nick, were not squeamish at all and offered up a dish of sugar water for our newly hatched and frisky "Painted Ladies." The butterflies waited no time at all in having their first meal since the Metamorphic process just a few days ago. The 5 butterflies flapped their wings fervently letting us know that they were ready to depart to open spaces. We had a trial run in the courtyard then the release of the first brave one followed immediately by another. Both had a conversation with nearby bumble bees (probably discussing ideal locations of nearby flowerbeds) then disappeared over the school building going west toward County Farm Park. The third and fourth critters were a bit more tentative in leaving the pavilion and after departure, # 4 stopped and lingered a bit by a nearby flower near the Art Room before taking off for good. Nearby birds and the Kindergartners chirped with excitement and I'm sure it was only to celebrate the Ladies' birthdays!
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