Kindergartners listened to a beautifully illustrated story entitled simply,
Chopsticks by Jon Berkeley. It is a story about a mouse named Chopsticks that visits a floating Chinese restaurant located on a busy harbor in Hong Kong. He discovers an ornately carved wooden pillar dragon while searching for scraps of food. He also finds out one New Year's night that this dragon is enchanted. Chopsticks is given a special task by the dragon and receives a special gift in return for "on every full moon it flies Chopsticks over the restaurant, over the mountains, and over the shining cities and the dark forests."

Kindergartners noticed illustrations of Chinese lanterns just like the ones that adorned our classroom. They also mentioned the mountain ranges depicted were similar to the ones found in our Japanese folklore and paintings. We also found out the meaning of a "sampan". We briefly worried if the dragon woud have Chopstick as a meal, and later had our own experience with using real chopsticks. Note our various techniques!
Last night we had a special dinner with all four grandparents. Everyone was using chopsticks and of course the kids wanted to use them as well but we had forgotten our training chopsticks at home. After tracking down two rubber bands from the waitstaff, my husband and I quickly made two pairs of training personalized chopsticks. We've all either done this ourselves or seen someone do it at an Asian restaurant.