Tuesday, September 25, 2012

In Search of "Library Lions"

Kindergartners listened attentively to one of the sweetest stories ever, Library Lion by Michelle Knudsen.  This story told of a curious lion who wandered into the library and learned proper etiquette (including the rules  of "quiet voices" and "no running") while there. 

After the story Kindergartners boarded our school bus in search of our own "library lion."  We eagerly entered the Mallett's Creek Library (after noticing the garden on its rooftop)and were warmly greeted by the Librarian  seated at the Circulation Desk.  

Although we didn't find any
real lions, we immediately spotted a realistic illustration of one on a book located on the recirculation cart!  We browsed through lots of books, found a puffer fish in the aquarium, played with toys, and engaged in some interesting games and audio stories.  

By the way, a special thank you to our new classroom volunteer Shevi for assisting us in getting most of our computers up and running.  


Before departure, Kindergartners  assisted in renewing our library card, scanned and checked out classroom book selections; and received stickers, book marks, and brochures to share with our families.   

We also practiced, at Miss Merriweather's (a character from the story) request, "No running unless you have a good reason."  
We will, however,  run back to the library (with good reason) real soon !   

Monday, September 24, 2012

October Dates at a Glance & Snack Schedule

October 2012 Dates at a Glance

October 5th           No School-Staff Development
October 12th         Trip to Wiard Orchard, 9 A.M.  Volunteer Chaperons needed!  
                            (Fee of $8.99 per adult required)
October 19th         Trip to Wild Swan Theatre's "Frog and Toad", 
October 15-19th     Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences (Please sign up by e-mail)
October 22nd         No School 
October 31th         Eco-Fair- wear costumes made from recycled materials

Weekly Snack Providers:

October 3-4th       Clara F.
October 8-12th      Ben
October 15-19th    Eliza
October 23-26       Clara B.
October 29-Nov.2  Mason
November 5-9       Mason
November 12-16    Sana
November 19&20   open
November 26-30th open
December 3-7        val

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Oh Say, Can You Saw...

Our friend Matt (also our school's Business Manager) asked if our Kindergartners would like a saw for our resident pile of wood.  Of course we said, "YES!"  After making and delivering tons of "tool themed" birthday cards to Matt, we tried out  our new acquisitions.   We practiced our fine and gross motor skills, the art of taking turns, being patient, and the  more importantly, the power of "kid power"!   Sawing and hammering were just the activities we needed at the end of another great day!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Farmers' Market

Kindergartners ventured out on a quest for seeds-a journey that landed us at the Farmers' Market.  We meandered through small crowds of people and leisurely stopped at "seedy" possibilities.  A sign advertising "seedless cucumbers" puzzled us so we bought one for further investigation.  Tomatoes and peppers were  abundant but  we choose "concord" grapes given to us by a very generous vendor.  "It's for the kids? No charge!" he said. Tomatillos, tiny squash, and  beans were our purchases.   We could not resist buying a giant sunflower as well!  We made an observation that even some of the breads displayed were chock full of seeds!  We practiced our money  handling skills, sampled  raspberries that tickled our palette, and headed back to school.  A "seed" -sational trip!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day of SK Kindergarten 2012!

Shared an umbrella for a light drizzle to downpour...

Snacked on grapes, had A.M. Recess, and envisioned our new playground outdoors...

Diapered and doctored up the baby dolls...

 Had A2 construction (including lots of cones) continue indoors ...

Hopscotch and  an invented game combined...

Decked out our writing journals (one can never have enough stickers...)

Joanna stopped by for a story and some one on one time...

And had a birthday celebration with lots of cupcake choices but no cha- cha-chas!!!

We listened to a story titled A Place Called Kindergarten at Circle Time and created our own "10 Black Dots" (Donald Crews) illustrations during Math class.  The day also included lunch and a trip to County Farm Park for recess.  We  attended French class with Madame and Art with Tracy for our Specials!!

We Had a Great First Day!!!  We missed you C.F!!!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Healthy Snack suggestions

Healthy Snack Suggestions

Fresh tree fruit (whole or sliced): apples, pears, bananas, nectarines, clementine oranges, etc.
Other fruits and berries: cherry or grape tomatoes, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, etc.
Raw vegetables: carrots, sugar snaps, celery, cauliflower florets, green beans, etc.
Dips: cream cheese, hummus, pesto
Cheese: Babybel, string cheese, or cut up chunks of other kinds of cheese
Whole wheat or whole grain crackers with no sugar, MSG, processed flour or other additives. ORIGINAL Triscuits (varieties with added flavors usually also contain unhealthy additives) or plain or lightly salted rice cakes are good choices.
Popcorn, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds